
releasing into clarity and possibility

Taking a Holiday from The Mind

We spend a lot of time consciously or unconsciously looking for trouble. This has been a helpful trait in our survival when there were constant threats to our physical survival. Even though those kind of threats are no longer there in the same way, our basic brain is still operating on those assumptions below the surface of awareness. We can free up our energy and attention from threats that are not here anymore and be more available for the more complex situations in modern life that require nuanced responses from intelligence and compassion that gets shut down when we are in fight, flight or freeze modes.

What would it be like if we were relaxed and at ease and felt that things were going to be ok? In this release we will explore letting go of looking for trouble and instead allowing some ease and relaxation in life and being open to more spaciousness and creativity. When we feel that things are going to be ok we relax and are in a better place to make constructive decisions from a place of well being.

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